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We are proud to have partnered with outstanding, local non-profits committed to helping provide Oklahomans with their needed services. Your donations of usable clothing, shoes, jewelry, books, toys, kitchenware, knick-knacks, electrical appliances, furniture, and other household items are greatly appreciated.
You are providing monthly revenue that allows other charities to focus less on “fundraising” and more on the people in our community.

Vizavance, formerly Prevent Blindness Oklahoma, is the state’s leading volunteer eye health and safety organization dedicated to fighting blindness and saving sight. Established in 1965, Vizavance is the only non-profit agency in Oklahoma dedicated exclusively to fighting blindness. Vizavance is an affiliate of the national organization, Prevent Blindness America, which was founded in 1908.
The Children’s Vision Screening Program is the cornerstone of Vizavance. Since our founding in 1965, we have been providing vision screenings for children at preschools, daycare centers, Head Start centers, and elementary schools. We provided vision screenings for 246,395 during the 2007-2008 school year. 25,277 of these children were referred for an examination by an eye care professional.
For further information visit their website.
Oklahoma Foundation for the Disabled
Oklahoma Foundation for the Disabled is the only social service program in Oklahoma that provides comprehensive adult day health services to developmentally disabled adults who are unemployable. The organization operates Monday through Friday and on Thursday evenings throughout the year.
The organization’s programs and services include transportation to and from a client’s home; nutritious meals; personal hygiene; activities that include field trips, dancing, singing, arts/crafts, games, reading, scouting, exercise and recreation; and staff assistance for basic needs such as medications, tube feeding, ostomy/catheter care, toileting, diaper changing, and lifting.
OKFD also provides “respite” care to clients’ caregivers, which allows these individuals, who are often family members, to hold a job, run errands, care for other family members or attend school. For every client served, there are at least 3 individuals related to the client who
For further information visit their website.